Dhun Nepal hosts international event in Kuala Lumpur


By A Staff Reporter

Kathmandu, Sept. 8: An international event organised by Dhun Nepal successfully concluded under the chairmanship of Dhun Nepal’s President, singer D.R Sujan, concluded in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The chief guest of the event was Hari Bhattarai, Regional Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific region of the Non-Resident Nepali Association (NRNA) International Coordination Council. The event also featured Chholakant Pangeini, Congress President of the Public Relations Committee Malaysia; Jeet Chhetri, a central member of the Nepal Tarun Dal and Santosh Subedi, a youth entrepreneur and model, as special guests. Other notable attendees included Raju Tamang, President of the R.T.F.C. Football Club; Tek Bahadur Tamota from Ugratara Restaurant Malaysia; and Mira Giri Puri, former female coordinator of the Non-Resident Nepali Association Malaysia, along with representatives from various organisations.

Dhun Nepal, which has been dedicated to Nepali music for nearly a decade, held its first international event in Malaysia. The programme took place at the Grand Continental Hotel in Kuala Lumpur.

For over a decade, Dhun Nepal has been committed to promoting Nepali music and releasing numerous musical works. It has received substantial appreciation from audiences. The company has played an unparalleled role in the preservation, promotion and advancement of Nepali music and continues to strive to introduce Nepal and Nepali culture 

to the world.

In addition to musical tours in Thailand and Singapore, Dhun Nepal organized the DN Extraordinary International Awards 2024 in Malaysia. The event was conducted by Kul Raj Pokhrel and Prakash Kumar Adhikari.

Numerous artists from Nepal, including Dhun Nepal’s President D.R Sujan, as well as various singers, models, comedians, and video directors, were present in the event. Rajendra Puri served as the coordinator for the awards ceremony.

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