Accord Priority To Social Issues


It is definitely tragic to hear about air mishaps, road accidents and people losing their lives in natural calamities just because they don't have access to health facilities. Women have had to die in the process of giving birth because they live in remote areas and thus the mortality rate of mother and infant stands at an alarming rate. But there are many other sad stories of individuals who have had to leave their home and family members just because of poverty.

One such story which has become viral in the social media, is that of a person who had left his home when he was very young and he had not been able to meet his family for thirty five years. But one lady journalist, who now runs her own YouTube channel, did a lot of leg work to trace this man and reunite him with his family. The impact of this effort has touched many hearts and even Prime Minister KP Sharma Sharma Oli made it a point to give directions to officials to look into the problems of this man who cannot even write his name and who does not have anything to show as his earnings, though he worked so hard while staying away from his home and friends.

Social issues 

This author uses the internet to only send articles and is no fan of any YouTube channels, but because many people talked about this incident, he was compelled to look at this particular episode and found it quite impressive, specially, in the creative effort, the good editing and a lot of hard work done by the presenter, who is a former employee of BBC Nepal. I am not for any side and I have heard both praise for this story and also some critical remarks. Anyway, though this may be only a small achievement, it is good that a simple report of a journalist has drawn the attention of thousands of people as well as the government. This is an example which could be followed by the many so called mainstream media leaders, who only talk about politics and hardly concentrate on social issues that need equal attention, as they are connected with the lives of ordinary people, who do not have any access or connections with the media and the government. 

All we can do is hope that social issues will be given equal importance as political news, not only in the media but in discussions which take place elsewhere also. Definitely the rights of the indigenous community, the marginalised people and also women must be addressed. But only asking for rights is simply not correct if the campaigners and decision makers don't own up to their own responsibility to the society. Using popular slogans and seminar style of jargon may bring gains for some individuals, but just trying to imitate much developed nations is not going to benefit a country like Nepal, where even basic needs have not been fulfilled. 

For example, do they know it took centuries for women to even get voting rights and talk of other things which were unfair to women? South Asia is much more tolerant than even the USA where no woman has become the President, but here, Nepal, India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka all have had women presidents or head of government. Definitely every person wants to see a tree which he or she has planted bearing fruits as soon as possible. But nature is nature and we must allow a certain period of time for anything to actually show results. Evolution can’t be speeded up just because some others have tutored many of the so called right campaigners to repeat slogans that suits them.

There is no doubt the nation has seen many positive political developments with the sacrifice of political leaders and also the encouragement of Nepal's international friends. The media and other sectors have also benefited from the liberal policy of the government and the good gesture of the international community. But we must not be hasty to achieve all the things other more developed nations have accomplished. All the sides, including the public who are facing difficult times now, must show patience.

Cultural heritage

At the same time, such patience of the people should not be taken for granted by the decision makers. This would prove to be counterproductive in the long run to the nation and for the hard- won democracy as well. All in all, the majority of Nepalis, are not only honest, hardworking and simple, but we are also steeped in traditional values, like respecting our elders, those who contributed in building the nation, others who gave us a rich cultural heritage and also the present lot of leaders who have also done much for trying to bring timely changes, politically and economically.

It is really a positive factor to hear of how thousands of Nepalis continue to follow traditions, culture and also religious beliefs no matter in which part of the world they may have chosen to go. Once any Nepali goes abroad, there is no question of what his or her caste is, what political affiliations they may have or what religion they believe in. They are simply individuals who can proudly say they are Nepali citizens. This is a huge asset and also in many ways our wealth, whether in our own country or in foreign lands. The people have the right to voice their dissatisfaction exactly like the leaders too have their own right to express their anger. The only thing which no one has the right to is inciting anarchy and indiscipline, no matter for whatever reasons. This is vital for keeping Nepal a land of harmony blessed by nature and a rich culture.

(The author is former chief editor of this daily.)

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