Malaysia returnee Buddhi Man is now a model entrepreneur


By Kokila Dhakal,Ilam, Aug. 9: Buddhi Man Rai of Ilam Municipality-7 has become an exemplary model for others, demonstrating that one can generate sufficient income if they have skills.

Rai returned to his hometown after working 10 and half years in Malaysia and started agriculture farm in Ilam Municipality-6. He has farmed bananas, coffee and peppers in his 35 ropanis of land. Additionally, he has established a small business near his farm and been selling various dishes made from bananas such as fries and chips.

According to Rai, he learned about banana dishes from South Indian people while working in Malaysia. “Many Nepalis are unaware that various parts of the banana tree can be used to cook a variety of dishes. They are also rich in vitamins, especially banana peels, trunk and water inside the trunk. Due to lack of awareness, Nepalis have been dumping banana trees,” he said. “I want to inform people that bananas and their trees are beneficial in many ways.”

Besides, running his small business Rai has been earning money by selling fiber extracted from banana trunks at a rate of Rs. 150 per kilogram. Moreover, he earns around Rs. 40,000 per month from his farm production. 

Although Rai went abroad for carpentry and electronic work, he learned about agriculture there and started it at his own farm after returning to Nepal.

He said, “We need to inspire youths who have returned to Nepal that their skills can be used for generating income.” He has said that an institution named Organic Farmers Forum has been established. It has been running a programme ‘Grand Campaign of Production’ throughout Koshi Province with an aim to reintegrate returnees from abroad into production and promote organic food production.

Meanwhile, Ilam Municipality has also been conducting various programmes to make youth self-reliant in agriculture. Nutandev Dulal, Spokesperson for the municipality, said that they had been conducting skill-based, agricultural and business-oriented programmes to make youths self-employed domestically and to ensure they acquire skills even if they go abroad. He said that various skill-based trainings including beautician, wiring, soap making, pickle making, handicrafts and others were provided. 

Additionally, Suryodaya Municipality has been working in various fields such as poultry farming, goat farming and vegetable production by providing seed capital with the aim of reintegrating returnee youth into society. Rana Bahadur Rai, Mayor of the municipality, informed that the municipality had allocated more budget to the social sector compared to other areas this year. He said, “We have reduced the budget for infrastructure this year and increased it in the social sector, aiming to transfer skills creating jobs. The municipality is striving to promote self-employment and self-reliance by promoting organic farming.”

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