Simaltal landslide: Four additional bodies found in Nawalpur today


Nawalpur (Nawalparasi), July 16: Four additional bodies among the passengers of two buses that were swept away by the landslide at Simaltal in Bharatpur-29 of Chitwan last Friday have been found today in Nawalparasi (Bardaghat-Susta East).     

As of this evening, a man aged around 35 was found along the Narayani river bank in Gaindakot-7, Gairi; a woman aged around 35 in Madhyabindu-12, Tamaspur; around 40-year-old man in Gaidnakot-19, Kharkhare and a man around 40 years nearby the Binayi Triveni-7 Gandak barrage bridge, police confirmed.     

According to the District Police Office Nawalparasi's DSP Bed Bahadur Poudel, investigation into the bodies found today along the Narayani River bank was underway.     

The relatives of the passengers who went missing in the river have been called to help identify the bodies, he shared.     

A huge number of security personnel has been mobilized in the areas from Simaltal to Gandak Barrage to search for the passengers missing in the river after the bus plunge incident. (RSS)

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