Mixed Feelings About Hostel Life


Life as a hosteller is an epic mesh.  It is a matchless experience one can never wonder about. I still remember stepping into my hostel room for the first time.

Feeling the wave of worry and delight, I anxiously took my first step, embracing all the unacquainted sights and sounds. I can still distinctively remember the sharp, sour smell of a metal bunk bed, the touch of a cold, sparsely furnished floor, and the melancholy simplicity of the white bedsheets and unadorned clothes.

The room was not too cramped, big, or spacious—just a viable space for 12 young teenagers to live in. 

Standing in the room, I carefully observed the unfamiliar scene before me. My eyes looked up for every little detail, from the cold, steel bunks and rigid frames to the worn-out desks. Abruptly, it appeared to me that this crooked dorm would be my sanctuary, my refuge, and my home away from home for the next few years.

I looked around me, and I saw a thousand unfamiliar faces busy in their own hustle. The gaze of some met mine with a glint of curiosity and anticipation, while some eyes seemed to glisten in the excitement of a newcomer, and a few others' faces seemed to sulk in disapproval. A twinge of sadness aroused over me. 

I closed my eyes and thought about my cosy bedroom back home. The gentle embrace of the soft blankets. The reassuring presence of my family is just a few doors away. Tears rolled down my cheeks, but I could do nothing about them, so I just let them roll.

I found myself in a situation where I didn’t have much to do, so I made a prime. I could either dwell in my sorrow or take a practical step by unpacking. I picked the latter, believing that by delving into my emotions and thoughts, all I was doing was wasting my energy. I was trying to reassure myself that everything would eventually improve. I made my bed, folded my clothes, and kept them neatly in my locker. After I had finished settling into my new place, I realised that the day was almost over. Feeling exhausted, I decided to call it a night and went to sleep. The next morning, I woke up early, feeling refreshed and ready to start the day.

It was the beginning of a new school, a new home, new friends, and perhaps a new chapter of my life! The density of air was both nerve-wracking and overwhelming, stirring a mixed feeling in me. 

Recalling all those earliest memories of hostel life, I feel overwhelmed by a rush of emotions. I vividly remember the cosmic mix of fear and homesickness that engrossed me on that very first day. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I nervously stepped into the imposing hostel building. Everything felt so unfamiliar, and I was unsure how to adjust in this new environment.

Yet, I gradually found my place within the hostel community. I forged new friendships, delved into new interests, and nurtured independence. Before I knew it, the hostel had transformed into a warm, welcoming second home filled with laughter, fellowship, and memories I knew would stay with me forever.

All that uneasiness as I took my first bite of the hostel food and the moments of getting lost in the intricate building only to be rescued and guided back by my fellow friends. Late-night conversations and laughter with my newfound friends became cherished rituals, and I finally felt like I belonged there. 

Just as I began to settle in, time seemed to slip away quickly. I can't believe it's sinking in that today is the last day of 10th grade. I've received my entire secondary education in this hostel, and everything has changed so fast, leaving me with memories and excitement for what's to come.

Admitting this plunges me somewhat into agony. I have completed my secondary level in this hostel. Within the blink of an eye, everything has changed. We have grown up so fast. The people who I was scared to approach once are now my friends. Friends who can lighten up my day, friends whose laughter fills the room with warmth and nostalgia, The atmosphere seems so bittersweet right now! It is so overwhelming as everyone squeezes each other, sharing heartfelt goodbyes. 

I am amazed by how much I have grown and changed since those early days. The timid and uncertain individual who initially entered the hostel is now completely unrecognizable. I've learned to stand up for myself, be a source of support for others, and navigate life's many challenges. 

 A Levels 

Budhanilkantha School

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