Youths Mustn't Fall For Vaping


Ajita Rijal

In recent years, concerns have escalated over the aggressive marketing tactics of the tobacco and vaping industries to attract young consumers. According to recent data from the World Health Organisation (WHO), an alarming 27 million adolescents aged 13 to 15 are estimated to be using tobacco and vaping products worldwide. This statistic underscores a troubling trend where youth are increasingly targeted with enticing flavours and glamorous marketing campaigns.

The WHO reports reveal that companies manufacturing these products strategically use flavours like cherry, strawberry, and chocolate to appeal to youngsters. Packing is often designed like candy or snacks, making these products easily mistaken for harmless treats. Coupled with aggressive promotional strategies that usually enlist celebrities and influencers to endorse their products, the industry embeds itself deeply within youth culture.

What makes this issue more concerning is its profound impact on public health. Studies consistently show that early exposure to nicotine through tobacco and vaping products significantly increases the risk of addiction and long-term health problems. Many young users are unaware of these risks or ignore them, influenced instead by portrayals in movies and media that glamorise smoking and vaping.

In response to these challenges, various regulatory measures have been proposed and implemented globally. These include restrictions on advertising, bans on flavoured products, and efforts to increase the legal age for purchasing tobacco and vaping items. Despite these efforts, the industry continues to find loopholes and innovative ways to reach young consumers, perpetuating a cycle of addiction and health risks.

The consequences are horrifying. Tobacco and vaping products are linked to a multitude of health issues, including cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and respiratory ailments. Globally, millions of lives are lost each year due to smoking-related illnesses. To combat this epidemic effectively, governments need to prioritise public health over corporate profits. Education is crucial to empowering young people to make informed choices about their health. 

Parents, educators, and communities must work together to raise awareness about the risks associated with tobacco products, ensuring that youth are equipped with the knowledge needed to resist industry pressure. It is necessary to transform the mindsets and behaviours of youth. Effective management of youth behaviour necessitates a concerted effort to instill responsible decision-making and critical thinking among them. 

Education and awareness campaigns are crucial in equipping them with the knowledge to resist the allure of vaping and understand its long-term health complications. However, these efforts can only go so far without robust governmental intervention. The government authorities must step up and make tough decisions to curb the accessibility and appeal of vaping products to minors. This includes stringent regulations on advertising, flavourings, and sales practices that specifically target young people. 

By implementing and enforcing these measures, the government can create environments where the availability of vapes to underage individuals is drastically reduced. It also requires collaboration among parents, educators, healthcare professionals, and communities to create a unified front against the use of tobacco products among youth. Moreover, the tobacco industry's targeting of youth is morally reprehensible.  They should immediately halt all marketing strategies aimed at attracting youngsters.

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