Top leaders to meet on Sunday to finalize ToR


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Kathmandu, May 25: Top leaders of major political parties are scheduled to hold a meeting on Sunday to finalize the term of reference (ToR) of the parliamentary probe committee to be formed to investigate the issues of the cooperative's fund embezzlement.     

The top leaders are expected to finalize the ToR as a meeting of the taskforce held on Saturday could not make headway.     

Joint General Secretary of Nepal Congress Jeevan Pariyar said a consensus is forged to meet on Saturday again.     

After the meeting of the taskforce, the top leaders of the major political parties and taskforce members also discussed the issues. Prime Minister and CPN (Maoist Centre) Chairperson Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda', CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli, Nepali Congress Vice-President Purna Bahadur Khadka and others were present at the meeting.(RSS)

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