NA meeting postponed


Kathmandu, May 24: Today's meeting of the National Assembly (NA) has been postponed without taking up day's agenda.     

The meeting was put off after the lawmakers of the main opposition party protested, standing from their respective seats.     

NA Chairperson Narayan Prasad Dahal urged the opposition parties to facilitate for running the Assembly business. "We have not been able to discuss on the policies and programmes presented by the government for coming fiscal year. We have not been able to carry out activities on the issues wanted by the people. A day to unveil budget is coming closer. The NA should be more responsible to end parliament deadlock and a time has come to think on it," he mentioned.     

NA Chairperson Dahal announced the postponement of today's meeting after the opposition parties continued with the obstruction.     

The NA will meet next at 11:30 am on May 26. (RSS)


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