Hurdles Of Youth


The period of student life is often regarded as a pivotal phase in an individual's journey as it encompasses essential elements such as acquiring education and knowledge, mental and physical development, and the ability to discern between right and wrong. This stage plays a crucial role in shaping one's understanding of life, instilling moral values, fostering a positive attitude, and developing proper behavior. The home, viewed as the primary school, is where a child's initial learning takes place, with parents serving as the first teachers. Recognising students as the future of a nation underscores the importance of providing them with quality education and knowledge to enrich their capabilities.

Many students are studying at different levels of the academy in our country. All these students are working very hard to pursue their careers and accomplish their goals. Many students can achieve knowledge and skills and pursue their career on their chosen path. However, every student can't achieve what they dream of because of the various hurdles that come their way. Some students face problems because of economic issues, so many students work after college to fulfil their necessities. They also need to work very hard in both fields (study and work) so that they can complete all their responsibilities properly. One of the main issues that students have been facing these days is the political instability of our country. Due to political instability, students face problems like non-operative regular classes, a lack of employment opportunities, power games, and fewer payment schedules.

The trend of going abroad for further education and opportunities has been increasing recently. Many students go abroad on daily basis in the hope of doing well and being settled in foreign countries. This trend has not increased on its own. Students are compelled indirectly to seek foreign opportunities as our country or its political system have failed to provide suitable opportunities to its citizens. Students with low economic conditions are compelled to go to golf countries and work there in risky situations to fulfil their responsibilities towards their families. 

Students going abroad have their problems in foreign lands. The corrupted system is failing students who aspire to stay in their own country and contribute to the betterment of their nation. Don’t get an equal chance in many aspects of their job. Powerful connections replace students with great capacities. Corruption has deepened its roots in the education system of Nepal. By looking at the current situation in Nepal, it seems like Nepal will be left with only children and old people, as youths have been going abroad in massive numbers daily.

The current condition among Nepali students is widely acknowledged as unfavorable. It is imperative for the government to promptly address these issues by enacting supportive legislation and creating suitable job opportunities within the country. This approach aims to discourage students from seeking opportunities abroad, enabling them to contribute to the progress of their own nation.


BBA 4th semester, NOC College

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