Chairperson Oli against hastening for constitutional amendment


Kathmandu, Sept 19: CPN-UML Chairperson KP Sharma Oli said the time has not come to hasten to amend the constitution. 

At a programme 'Subas and Constitution' organized by CPN-UML in memory of Constituent Assembly Chairperson Subas Nemwang on Tuesday, he said there was no situation right now to push for the constitution amendment merely to pursue interests of the foreign forces. 

"A serious question has emerged whether or not the constitution can be properly amended when various inept and sponsored interests are coming to the fore. So, there is no situation to take hasty efforts for constitution amendment", former Prime Minister Oli said. 

He further said all sides should accept the hard-earned constitution. However, he viewed the Constitution can being amended on necessity to make it a more practical document. 

Major political parties had staged several struggles and movements to attain democracy, Oli said, adding the achievements yielded on the basis of arduous struggle should in no way be compromised.  (RSS)

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