Janaki (Banke), Sept 11: A government official has been arrested along with Rs 2.6 million without a verified source in his possession from Nepalgunj Airport in Banke district today. He is Khagendra Sapkota working at the Inland Revenue Office at Tulasipur, Dang.
District Police Office Banke's
spokesperson, Deputy Superintendent Narayan Dangi said the amount the source of
which could not be traced was confiscated from the bag Sapkota was carrying, in the course of carrying out a security check at the airport.
However, Deepak Poudel who was
together with Sapkota and worked in the same office where Sapkota works is
absconding, DSP Dangi said.
Sapkota was flying to Kathmandu
from a Shree Airlines flight along with the amount. He has been taken into
custody at the District Police Office for further investigation. (RSS)