Kathmandu, March 18: 'The Departed Down' directed by Nepali dramatist Bimal Subedi has been nominated in four categories of India's prestigious 'Mahendra Excellence Theater Award' 2023.
The play, also written by Subedi,
has been nominated in the category of best direction along with best music,
dance, and lighting. Among the dramas staged all over India, "The Departed
Down" was chosen among 495 and made to the top 10 to be nominated for the
award given to dramas screened across India.
The top ten plays selected for this
award are being staged in Delhi, the capital of India from the 25th to the 29th of
"The drama portrays the
situation of Nepali-speaking Bhutanese who were evicted forcefully from their
birthplace. ", said Director Subedi. The play was prepared together with
Victor Thaodom of Akhoka Theater in India.
The theatre is being screened at
Sri Ram Center in New Delhi on March 25, he said. (RSS)