Chaite paddy plantation double in Banke


By Our Correspondent,Banke, Mar. 18: The plantation of chaite paddy is likely to double in Banke district this year compared with the year before. 

According to the Agriculture Knowledge Centre, Banke, based on the paddy sapling grown by the farmers this year, the area of paddy plantation will be twice as large as last year.

Farmers have started planting chaite paddy individually and collectively.

Shakeel Ahmed, chief of Agricultural Knowledge Centre, Banke, informed that chaite paddy planting has been started for this year.

Last year, chaite paddy was planted in an area of 16 hectares in the district, and this year, the Centre estimates the area to be about 30 hectares.

“We have also conducted an awareness campaign to encourage farmers to plant chaite paddy and also provide subsidies to farmers,” said Ahmed.

According to the Centre, rice seeds have been provided as a subsidy to attract farmers towards the plantation of chaite paddy.

Assistance has been given for small irrigation as well.

If any insect or disease is detected in the paddy crop, the Centre is ready to help control it and provide other technical support, he said.

According to the Centre, it is trying to attract farmers towards chaite paddy as the overall production of rice will increase and the import of rice from India can be reduced if paddy is planted in barren fields.

According to agricultural technicians, chaite paddy is less affected by insects and diseases than those grown in the rainy season, and grows faster due to the heat and less weeds.

Chaite paddy is produced at four tonnes per hectare. Its plantation started in the district some five years ago. 

Recently, since the Sikta irrigation project started releasing water in the main and the branch canals, the number of paddy growers has started to increase.

The paddy is being planted in Duduwa, Khajura, Rapti-Sonari, Baijnath and other areas of the district. A group of five farmers in Baijnath-8, Jhingaur planted it on 35 katthas of land as a trial this year. 

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