North Korea says ICBM test aimed to strike fear into enemies


Seoul, South Korea, Mar 18: North Korea said Friday it fired an intercontinental ballistic missile to "strike fear into the enemies" as South Korea and Japan agreed at a summit to work closely on regional security with the United States and staged military exercises around the region.

The missile, launched Thursday from North Korea's main airport as leader Kim Jong Un and his daughter smiled from afar, overshadowed a summit held hours later between South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol and Japanese Prime Minster Fumio Kishida. The meeting in Tokyo was partially aimed at rebuilding security ties between the often-estranged U.S. allies in the face of North Korean nuclear threats.

With four missile displays in about a week, North Korea has ratcheted up its tit-for-tat response to ongoing U.S.-South Korean military drills that are the biggest of their kind in years.

The Biden administration wants better South Korea-Japan ties, which declined over historical issues in recent years, as it pushes to strengthen its alliance network in Asia to counter the North Korean nuclear threat and China's rising influence.

Aside from their combined exercises that began Monday and run through March 23, the United States and South Korea are also participating in anti-submarine warfare drills, along with Japan, Canada and India, that began Wednesday.

North Korea's official Korean Central News Agency said Kim supervised the test-firing of the Hwasong-17 missile, which blasted off from a launch vehicle parked on an airport runway. Kim stressed the need to "strike fear into the enemies" over what it called the "open hostility" shown to the North by the U.S.-South Korea exercises.

Launched at a high angle to avoid the territory of North Korea's neighbors, the missile reached a maximum altitude of 6,045 kilometers (3,756 miles) and traveled 1,000 kilometers (621 miles) before landing in waters off the country's eastern coast, KCNA said.

The South Korean and Japanese militaries assessed the flight similarly, indicating the U.S. mainland is within the missile's range. It remains unclear whether North Korea has developed nuclear bombs small enough to fit on its long-range rockets or the technology to ensure its warheads survive atmospheric reentry when fired at a normal trajectory.

State TV showed the launch in various angles, including footage from a video camera apparently installed on the missile body that provided an aerial view of the rocket soaring from above ground, amid bright orange flames, before its lower chamber fell off in what appeared to be a stage separation. (AP)

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