Dadeldhura sees growing cases of wild animal attacks


Puskar Bhandari,Dadeldhura, Mar. 15: The terror unleashed by wild animals is on the rise in Dadeldhura district.

According to the data of Division Forest Office, Dadeldhura, so far this fiscal year, attacks by wild animals have left one person dead and four others injured.  

Ranendra Singh, Assistant Forest Officer and Information Officer of the Forest Office, said that most of the damage was caused by leopards and wild boars in the district.

According to him, this year Nar Bahadur Dhanuk of Meddi in Ganyapadhura Rural Municipality-4 and Gagan Singh Bohra of Gangkhet in Alital Rural Municipality-3 were injured in the leopard attack. A leopard has also killed six goats of Gopal Sarki in Bagarkot of Bhageshwar Rural Municipality-4.

The Acting Medical Superintendent of Dadeldhura Hospital, Dr. Chetraj Bhatta, said that except for the patient who needs to be given Amin Global vaccine, all types of injuries can be treated there.

Less than a month after the attack on Ojha, Ganesh Palle of Amargadhi-3 Gujarlek died when he was attacked by a wild boar last Sunday morning. According to the Division Forest Office, there have been increasing incidents of wild animals attacking people and livestock as well as eating crops in the district.

According to Singh, the report documenting the cases of wild animal attacks alongside demand for compensation will be sent to Shuklaphanta National Park on the recommendation of the division office.

A maximum of Rs. 2,00,000 in case of injury and up to Rs. 1 million in case of death has been provisioned as relief to the concerned person or the family of the person. 

Singh said that the forest office advised people not to venture out of their house alone late at night to avoid possible attack by wild boars and leopards.

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