Bamdev Gautam comes with new political party


Kathmandu, June 28: Former CPN (UML) leader Bamdev Gautam has announced a new political party named ‘Nepal Communist Party Ekata Rashtriya Abhiyan’. 

At a function in the Capital today, Gautam said the new party was announced to unite the communist forces in the country adding that he wishes to unite two major communist parties in upcoming elections. Gautam was of the view that other forces benefitted after the breakdown of the communist parties. “Now, I will unite Nepal’s communists under my leadership.”     

Gautam also shared that he would launch a three-month campaign to unite the communist parties while stating that his party’s main task is to revive the dissolved Communist Party of Nepal (CPN).     

“The next objective is to create an environment to bring CPN (UML), CPN (Maoist Centre) and CPN (Unified Socialist) for a working alliance before the upcoming House of Representatives (HoR) and Province Assembly elections,” he added.     

“So far, Nepal’s communist party has been re-formed 46 times and I am involved in those all,” Gautam recalled the formation and renewal of the communist party in Nepal.     

The newly-formed party would have a team of office-bearers including one chairperson, seven Vice-Chairpersons with the responsibility of in charge in seven provinces each, one general secretary, one deputy general secretary, one treasurer and one secretary.     

Central secretariat’s secretary DB Karki of the newly-formed party said the party will have a 75-member central committee and the standing committee with a maximum of 15 members.  (RSS)

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