• Friday, 14 February 2025

Normalise Menstruation, Empower Women


In no time in the history of mankind, humanity has witnessed unprecedented development in science and technology. Every other day, new technology seems to replace old ones, information seems to travel at the speed of sound. The pace of development is faster than it can be absorbed. Yet, amidst such unprecedented development and modernisation, calls to discard stigma surrounding menstruation always seem to vanish into the thin air. An issue as important as menstruation has always been pushed into corners citing it as an insignificant topic for a major table talk. However, more than ever, it’s about time society wakes up to the call of normalizing menstruation.

Menstruation, contrary to how society projects it, is not anything to be ashamed about. Menstruation is a natural and healthy part of women’s life. Menstrual cycle helps body prepare for pregnancy every month. Precisely, menstruation is the discharge of blood from the uterus through vagina. It’s once in a month cycle for every female who has reached puberty. On any given day, approximately 300 million females across the world have their period.


Though menstruation is a natural part of every girl's life, there has been myth, misinformation and misconceptions about period, which refuses to subside over time. Menstruation stigma refers to negative social and cultural perceptions, beliefs and practises concerning menstruation. Girls during period cycles are considered impure and they are barred from entering the kitchen. They are also prohibited to enter places of worship and not allowed to participate in religious occasions. Flowers wither, pickles will go rotten, crops cease to sprout, unfermented wine turns sour if menstruating girls touch them are some of the long held superstitious beliefs of this hypocritical society which has forever discriminated against women on various grounds.

There are hundreds of euphemisms like Aunt Flo, Strawberry Week and being untouchable used across the world which in a way validates misconceptions surrounding the period cycle. The perpetuation of codes like these demonstrates that periods are viewed as shameful and ought not to be disclosed. Stigmatising menstruation is a very common practise in Nepal and the myth surrounding period is so ingrained in Nepali culture that girls are confined to unhygienic and unsafe huts in rural areas. Though Nepal has already criminalized use of menstrual huts in 2017, the practice of forcing females to confine menstrual huts is still prevalent. 

From a young age, instead of giving girls and boys the right education regarding menstruation, they are forced to imbibe illogical myths. They are taught from a young age how menstrual blood is impure and how it brings bad omen should she fail to abide by societal norms. Gender inequality is the key driver of menstruation stigmatisation. From confining women to four walls of the kitchen to depriving women of basic education to prohibiting them from going to work and to the extent of stigmatizing women’s normal bodily functions, injustice has been meted out to women. The society which celebrates almost every prominent festival in the name of goddess still bar females from entering holy sites should she menstruate. 

Another reason behind menstruation stigmatization is lack of education. However, what comes as a surprise is that even highly educated individuals residing in urban areas also perpetuates menstruation stigma.  Hence, it seems blind beliefs in traditions, fear of bad luck and not willing to deviate from age-old societal practices are also key drivers of menstruation stigmatisation.  Stigmatising menstruation has devastating consequences for women.  Forming an illogical biases around normal bodily function not only erodes young girls' confidence but also leads her to shame and anxiety. It is disheartening that for women, the trauma concerning period cycle is not merely confined to physical and emotional pain, but also the mental trauma levied on her on the grounds of impurity and untouchability.

It is during the most fragile period of her life, she faces discrimination and humiliation and over the course of time, myths surrounding the period become ingrained in her entire being. Though various efforts have been underway to normalise menstruation, still an uphill struggle lies ahead. Henceforth, it is of utmost importance to uproot such illogical biases surrounding menstruation. To fight taboos and disinformation, it is imperative for business organizations to accurately depict menstruation while promoting sanitary napkins while making it affordable. The use of code words, blue colour in advertising campaigns may seem harmless at the surface but in reality such practices legitimises the myth surrounding menstruation that menstruation is shameful and ought not be openly discussed. 

Awareness campaign 

Likewise, the state on its part should launch awareness campaigns especially in rural areas reinforcing the period cycle as a natural phenomenon in women’s life and should make people aware that females during such cycles are deserving of more love, care, support as opposed to discrimination. Numerous studies confirm that girls during the menstruation phase require support as they experience excruciating pain and they constantly juggle with hormonal imbalance triggered by blood discharge. During such a period, she is in dire requirements of support from her family members and loved ones. Families on their part should be educating their boys and girls about menstruation and reproductive health.

Negative biases surrounding menstruation are deep-rooted in our culture and such biases continue to pose a stumbling block to the progress of our society. The progress of society is not merely measured by the number of innovations and inventions but also by its sheer ability in disrupting traditional harmful societal norms. As opposed to exacerbating the myth surrounding menstruation, menstruation ought to be celebrated for its sheer strength in creating life. Girls should be empowered from a young age. It’s time to abolish this illogical silence and shame and instead celebrate this natural bodily cycle. 

(Shrestha is a chief instructor/director Suva Consultancy & Training Institute.)


Sharmila Chandi Shrestha
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