There can be many definitions of the word ‘power’. Some define it as the capacity of doing things despite problems. Whereas some others define it as the ability to control the behaviour of others, even in the absence of their consent. It may derive from many sources, such as status, prestige, wealth, numbers or position.
If one has the power of something, he/she should not be totally dependent on it. Having the power of something is great and we must be grateful for having it and should try to help others using that power.
One lesson should be learnt by all: never make wrong use of power for one's own profit without even thinking about others. If we are given a power or if we have earned it then we need to make sure we respect it and use it for good purpose. Making the proper use of power is what every successful person does.
Even the most powerful person may have weaknesses that might make him the weakest sometimes. Let’s talk about the king of Lanka-Ravana. He had everything. A powerful troop of devils for his security, a rich and prosperous city made of gold, the most intelligent brain and a powerful body. Besides having so much power, he was defeated by Lord Rama at the end.
This happened because of his cruelty, dishonesty and his evil mind. So, with this we can learn that having power will not make sure that we will be successful, but we must use our thinking ability along with the powers we have to become successful.
Power might ensure that we might get less harmed but it will never guarantee our full safety. Many rich people, having so much power of money, became economically weak at a point in their life. Also, some well-to-do people lost their lives in spite of having a good amount of money for their treatment. Few powerful countries with powerful armed forces, weapon systems, stable politics, good government and loyal citizens have also faced many crises and problems. This shows that being powerful alone doesn’t ensure complete happiness or protection.
Instead of wishing for being the most powerful person, why don’t we wish for having the power to face failure, to accept it and have the ability to improve ourselves? We talk about change so much, but why don’t we do something about it? Why do we keep waiting for someone under the power to bring a change and then follow their path? Why cannot we have the power to do it ourselves? Having the power to do well is the best power one can ever have.
It’s completely on us to have such powers which will help us bring a positive change around us. We can also decide the type of power for ourselves. The power we possess might not seem potent for others, but it doesn’t matter whether they recognise it or not. What really matters, however, is everything is good until we believe in ourselves.