Communication laws within next year: Minister Gurung


By Phadindra Adhikari,Lekhnath, July 28: Minister for Communication and Information Technology Prithvi Subba Gurung has said that necessary laws and regulations for the communication sector would be formulated within next year. 

Addressing a press conference organised by Kaski chapter of Federation of Nepali Jour nalists here on Saturday, Minister Gurung clarified that these new laws would be designed to align with the current advancements of information technology.

Speaking about the issue of distortions in online television and news portals, Minister Gurung stressed the need for stricter regulations to curb anarchy, obscenity, and incivility in media sector. 

“The biggest problem is in online TV and online news portals. We must be strict to stop the anarchy, obscenity, and incivility there,” he said, adding, “We fully respect the freedom of the press, but there should be no anarchy and incivility.”

He clarified that while the 

methods and processes for establishing good governance and development are same across all governments, there would be a change in working style from the previous administration. 

He stressed that the unity of two major parties, Nepali Congress and CPN-UML, is for bringing stability and hope to the people. 

“NC and UML were united at different times to bring radical changes in the country,” he said. “Now, development and prosperity are major priorities. Our biggest goal is to remove despair of the people through our work.”

Stating that the current 

alliance must not fail, he said its failure would signify the failure of mainstream parties, potentially strengthening those questioning federalism and the current governance system.

The government has pledged to demonstrate signs of change within a month, foster an environment of confidence among people within six months, and achieve a sense of radical change within a year. Minister Gurung also mentioned that there were many tasks to be undertaken in the communication sector, including exploring new possibilities and restructuring government corporations. 

Highlighting the need of a digital Nepal for good governance, he criticised previous governments for not working according to the spirit of federalism. 

As the founding Chief Minister of Gandaki Province, he commented on the provincial government’s need to justify its roles and criticized the fact that no chief minister had spoken out against the repeated insults from the central government.

Commenting on the issue of constitution amendment as per the agreement reached between the UML and NC, Minister Gurung said that while the door was open for discussions to forge national consensus.

“It is not impossible to amend the constitution; it has been done two or three times before,” he said, adding, “For the country’s needs and stability, in countries lacking an alliance culture, this opens the way for discussions on modifying the form of government. National consensus is necessary for that.”

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