By TRN Online, Chitwan, July 27: The dengue infection has been confirmed in 64 people in Chitwan district. 64 cases were confirmed of dengue infection during the testing of 300 people so far. Of them, 51 cases are from Chitwan.
According to the head of the District Public Health Office, Chitwan, Dinesh Rupakheti, the number of dengue cases has increased this year in the Ichchakamana Rural Municipality and currently, it stands at 45/
So far, six people have been diagnosed with dengue in Bharatpur Metropolitan City.
He said, "The cases are more profound in the market area of Ichchakamana Rural Municipality and Bharatpur Metropolitan City. With this, awareness has been generated in the infected area.
A total of 1,831 people were infected with dengue in the district from July 2080 to June 2081. 23,840 were tested during the period.
"Nowadays, dengue is being deleted from July but usually August and September where most number of dengue cases used to surface. Dengue is transmitted by female Aedes aegypti or Aedes albopictus mosquitoes after they bite a person. The peak biting time of the mosquito is early in the morning and in the evening before dusk," He said.
Mosquitoes that cause dengue lay eggs in water-filled containers, inside and outside the house and infect people in daylight. Dengue-transmitting mosquitoes hatch when in contact with water, and can shelter in uncovered water tanks, buckets, discarded plastic cups, bottles and even tires that hold water.
According to him, mild to high fever, severe headache, muscle pain, rashes, pain in the eyes and vomiting are some of the symptoms of dengue.
In severe dengue cases, patients show additional symptoms including abdomen pain, vomiting, bleeding from gums and nose, vomiting blood and blood in stool, and feeling tired and restless.
Dengue fever was first seen in Nepal in 2004 in Chitwan. The disease was confirmed in a Japanese tourist who came to visit Chitwan.
Head of Office Rupakheti said that he returned to Japan after treatment due to a normal fever and dengue was confirmed during the test.