Chief of Bagmati Province calls for new govt


Bagmati, July 21: Chief of Bagmati Province, Yadav Chandra Sharma, has called for formation of a new government, giving a deadline till July 23.     

Province Chief Sharma certified the resignation tendered by Chief Minister Shalik Ram Jamkattel and called the Province Assembly members as per Article 168 (2) of the constitution for staking a claim of the new government before 5:00 pm coming Tuesday.     

In the wake of change in political equation at federal level, Chief Minister Jamkattel tendered resignation from the post in the afternoon, thereby paving way for formation of a new government. However, Province Chief Sharma has assigned him to act as a caretaker Chief Minister until the formation of the next government.     

NC staking claim of Chief Minister     

Meanwhile, Bahadur Singh Lama, parliamentary party leader of the Nepali Congress at Province Assembly, Bahadur Singh Lama, is all set to stake claim for CM post as per the agreement between the Nepali Congress and the CPN UML.     

UML parliamentary party leader at Province Assembly, Jagan Nath Thapaliya, seconded Lama that NC would claim the CM post.(RSS)

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