Local government working to preserve various original languages in Banke


By Our Correspondent,Banke, July,1: The local government in Banke has launched an initiative to protect the endangered original languages that are at risk due to declining usage. 

Khajura Rural Municipality in the district has intensified conservation efforts by focusing on preserving various original languages that are on the verge of disappearing.

 Dumbar Bk, the Rural Municipality’s Chairman, mentioned that they conducted training sessions in the native languages of indigenous communities across all wards. 

He emphasised the need for more extensive programmes in the coming years to bolster language and cultural preservation efforts.

Reflecting on the current initiatives, Bk acknowledged that more comprehensive involvement of the community was necessary to effectively preserve language and culture.

 Residents like Yogmaya Thapa Magar from Ward - 4 highlighted that using their mother tongue plays a crucial role in safeguarding cultural heritage.

 Ganesh Bahadur Thapa Magar, another resident, underscored that preserving original languages and cultural arts strengthens communal bonds and fosters harmony within society. 

He stressed the importance of educating the younger generation about their linguistic and artistic heritage, noting a concerning trend of communities forgetting their cultural roots.

Khajura Rural Municipality specifically conducted training sessions focused on languages spoken by Tharu, Gurung, Tamang, and Magar communities, facilitated by the local organisation Panjali Samriddhi Nepal.

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