PMPD guiding principle of communist movement: Chair Oli


Kathmandu, June 28: CPN (UML) Chair KP Sharma Oli has said the People's Multi-Party Democracy (PMPD) is the guiding principle of Nepali revolution.     

At a symposium relating to 'Madan Bhandari and PMPD: Political Development and Stability' organized by the Madan Bhandari Foundation at the UML party headquarters, Lalitpur, on Friday, Chairman Oli said the PMPD is an important principle to direct the communist movement.     

He insisted that PMPD, known popularly as 'Jabaja', has played a vital role on ushering in and advancing modernization, thereby giving a boost to national economy and making aware the society. He said, "It is important to remove the anomalies and ensure beautiful, equal and just society."     

Addressing the event, Foundation Chair Mahendra Bahadur Pandey viewed PMPD could be developed as the political doctrine of communist party.     

Chairman Oli, Vice President Bishnu Paudel, General Secretary Shankar Pokharel laid wreaths on the late leader Madan Bhandari's photo. At the same event, Chairman Oli released a book named 'Dishabodh' published by the Foundation.(RSS)

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