Film an effective communication medium: Minister Sharma


Sudurpaschim, June 21: Minister for Communications and Information Technology, Rekha Sharma, has said film is an effective medium of information and communications.     

Inaugurating the National Children Film Festival, 2081 organized in Dhangadhi city on Friday, Minister Sharma viewed the film could be developed as an effective medium to spread positive messages. She reminded that even the political activists protected art and culture during the political movements.     

Filming art and culture is more powerful than giving speech, she said, adding that federal republic has ensured diversity in the country where people from all castes, cultures and communities are enjoying equal rights.     

The Minister viewed Sudurpaschim is a region of huge potential in art and culture, so the social ills must be wiped out to build its image and respect human rights. Practice of ethnic discrimination and chhaupadi needs wiping out through social awareness, where film counts much, she underlined.     

"Film can be developed on enforcement of constitutional rights," Minister Sharma said, all sides' cooperation is essential to implement constitutional provisions and respect human rights.     

On the occasion, lawmaker Rupa Sosi Chaudhari said film could be utilized for advancing social awareness.     

Film Development Board's Chairman Bhuwan KC viewed the film making could be incorporated in school curriculum to cater positive message on child psychology.(RSS)

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