NA members stress on addressing demands of agitating Federal Parliament employees


Kathmandu, June 18: National Assembly (NA) members have urged the government to address the demands of agitating employees of the Federal Parliament.     

In a session of the upper house today, the lawmakers drew the government's attention to the 11-point demand of the employees.     

Airing views in a special hour, Maya Prasad Sharma said the employees' demands are genuine, explaining that they deserve additional facilities for overtime.     

Shree Krishna Adhikari and Nar Bahadur Bist said it is necessary to address the voices of agitating employees.     

It is reported that employees of the Federal Parliament receive a monthly housing allowance of Rs 3,500 per capita for gazetted positions, and Rs 3,000 is for non-gazetted and other employees. They have demanded an increase in this allowance. (RSS)

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