Six injured in picnic bus accident


By Kokila Bhandari, Dhankuta, Dec 2: Six people have been injured while a picnic bus met with an accident in Sanghurigadhi Rural Municipality - 6, Kolbote of Dhankuta.

A bus with registration number Me 1 Kha 3380 was coming towards Namaste Falls of Dhankuta carrying students of Garuwa Basic School of Mai Municipality - 4, Illam.

District Police Office Dhankuta said that a bus with 55 passengers met with an accident due to a break fail.

In the accident, four students and two teachers were injured. Injured were, students Shanti Limbu, 14, Seema Rai, 13, Manika Rai, 16 and Nisma Saru Magar, 16, and teachers Ram Bahadur Magar, 57, and Pabitra Rai, 49. 

The spokesperson at the District Police Office Raj Babu Maharjan informed that the injured were sent to BP Koirala Institute of Health Sciences Dharan. 

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