Suspension bridge shortens travel time


By Our Correspondent,Syangja, Sept. 27: The locals in Waling Municipality-14 and Bhirkot Municipality-9, both in Syangja district, are happy with the construction of a suspension bridge over the Andheri Khola River. 

With the construction of the bridge, the residents in Sirbani, Kadari, Silme, Thana of Waling, Kavre, Saundi of Bhirkot and other nearby places have overcome the problem of walking at least an hour to go across the river. 

The students of grades 11 and 12 can now reach Dumrebhanjyang to attend their classes within five minutes. Earlier, they had to walk for an hour. 

Romakanta Neupane, a local, said that the walking distance of one hour had been reduced to five minutes after the construction of the suspension bridge. They use it to cross the river to travel back and forth. 

The Bridge Division of the Department of Local Infrastructure informed that the suspension bridge connects Sirbeni and Jharare. 

The construction company, BLT Construction, completed the bridge construction within a year at a cost of Rs. 7 million. 

The 152.3 metre-long bridge weighs 46 metric tonnes and has a capacity to hold 329 people at a time.  

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