Li-Ning official kit of Nepali basketball


Kathmandu (TRN) Aug 24 : China's premier sports brand Li-Ning has become the kit sponsor of the national basketball team.  Nepal Basketball Association (NBA) and Li-Ning’s authorized dealer China Trade Link Company Pvt. Ltd signed a kit sponsorship deal on Tuesday.

NBA president Bhim Gurung and Li-Ning Nepal's director Rajen Maharjan inked the deal in Kathmandu. As per the deal, Li-Ning will be an official kit for senior and junior national basketball teams for two years.

National men’s basketball team Captain Sadish Pradhan said that he was happy to welcome a world-class brand to the team. "This is the first time the national basketball team is wearing a jersey that contains the logo for the first time.

"Women's Basketball team Skipper Sadina Shrestha was also glad to welcome Li-Ning as a national team’s kit sponsor. "This is the first time the national team is receiving the kit sponsor officially." WNBA president Gurung thanked Li-Ning Nepal for the collaboration.

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