Glory Of Guru Purnima


By Pallav Bhusal

The air in Kathmandu buzzes with a unique energy as Guru Purnima approaches. This auspicious day, dedicated to teachers and spiritual guides, holds a special place in the hearts of many Nepalis. Guru Purnima, falling on the full moon day, is a celebration that transcends mere ritual, enveloping the country in a spirit of reverence and gratitude. 

My first vivid memory of Guru Purnima dates back to a rainy July morning. The monsoon rains had washed the valley clean, leaving the streets gleaming and the air crisp. As a child, I remember waking up early, eager to accompany my parents to the local temple. The streets were bustling with devotees, each carrying offerings of flowers, fruits, and sweets, their faces lit with devotion. The temple, adorned with garlands and shimmering lights, was a sight to behold. The rhythmic chants of "Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara" filled the air, creating an atmosphere of profound spirituality.

In Nepal, Guru Purnima is not just a day for religious observance but a cultural phenomenon that brings communities together. Schools, colleges, and universities hold special ceremonies to honour their teachers. Students, clad in traditional attire, offer their respects by touching their teachers' feet, a gesture that signifies deep humility and gratitude. This act, though simple, carries immense significance, reinforcing the bond between teacher and student.

As I grew older, my understanding of Guru Purnima deepened. I realised that this day was not only about paying homage to our academic teachers but also to the spiritual guides who illuminate our paths. The eyes of the spiritual gods seem to gaze into my soul, reminding me of the eternal wisdom that guides us.

One of the most touching aspects of Guru Purnima in Nepal is the way it bridges generations. I recall visiting my retired teachers' home in the town during one Guru Purnima. The entire students gathered to honour our guru, a retired teacher who had dedicated his life to imparting knowledge. As we presented him with a simple garland and bowed in respect, his eyes welled up with tears. In that moment, I understood the true essence of Guru Purnima, a heartfelt acknowledgment of the sacrifices and contributions of those who have shaped our lives.

In the modern age, where technology often distances us from human connections, Guru Purnima serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of mentorship and guidance. It is a day that compels us to pause, reflect, and express our gratitude to those who have been our guiding lights. Whether it is a school teacher who instilled a love for learning, a spiritual guru who led us on a path of self-discovery, or even a parent whose wisdom has been our anchor, Guru Purnima is a celebration of all who have played a pivotal role in our journey.

As the full moon rises on Guru Purnima, casting its serene glow over the Himalayan peaks, I feel a deep sense of reverence and gratitude. The traditions and rituals of this day are not mere formalities but profound expressions of respect and love. Celebrating Guru Purnima in Nepal is a beautiful reminder that amidst the chaos of life, there are moments of pure grace and wisdom that guide us forward.

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