Rudi village residents in Bajura have access to potable water finally


By Sher Bahadur Sarki,Bajura, July 4: The residents of Rudi, Swamikartik Khapar Rural Municipality-1, Bajura, who had been drinking murky river water for a long time, have finally have got clean tap water.

After tireless efforts by the rural municipality, the water from the Tusare source reached Rudi village, allowing the locals to drink clean tap water.

“We had to fetch drinking water from the river for generations. Now, we have access to running water,” said Lalpura Damai, a resident of Rudi village.

He said, “Drinking water fetched from river water during the rainy season made us susceptible to various waterborne diseases. We have not faced such issues since we have access to clean tap water now."  

Previously, women had to walk for an hour to fetch water from the river, which is no longer necessary and it has been easier for people to maintain hygiene after increased access to running water," said Damai.

The village faced a drinking water crisis after the water supply in the village was disrupted by a landslide in the fiscal year 2012/22, said Ang Lal Dhami, Chairman of the Tusare Rudi Water Users Committee.

He said, “The drinking water pipes were destroyed by landslides, leading to a shortage of drinking water in the village for the past two years.” Now, after consistent efforts and financial support from the rural municipality, the pipes have been repaired while bringing drinking water to the village, said Dhami. 

Chairman of Swamikartik Khapar Rural Municipality, Bharat Bahadur Rokaya said, “After two years of tireless efforts, we have finally succeeded in providing drinking water to the locals of Rudi.”

He added, “Almost five kilometres of the trail between Tusare and Rudi were affected by landslides. We used poles to place the pipes in place while bringing water to the village.”

Despite various obstacles, the water from Tusare has reached Rudi village, providing clean drinking water to 173 households. Water pipes have been placed in high elevations with the help of poles to ensure that recurring landslides do not disrupt the water supply, said Rokaya.

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