Amnesty International's Secretary-General pays courtesy call on PM Prachanda


Kathmandu, May 24: Secretary-General of the Amnesty International, Agnes Callamard has paid a courtesy call on Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal 'Prachanda' on Friday.     

Various matters related to the transitional justice and human rights were discussed in the meeting held at PM residence, Baluwatar, informed PM Prachanda's press expert Manahari Timlsina.     

On the occasion, PM Prachanda clarified that Nepal has been ever effortful in fulfilling its national and international obligations on human rights being committed to the protection and promotion of human rights, Timlsina shared.     

During the meeting, PM Prachanda said the draft bill of the transitional justice which is under consideration in the parliament would be taken ahead by bringing the national and international stakeholders into confidence.     

On the occasion, Secretary-General Callamard lauded the role of PM Prachanda in taking the peace process of Nepal to a conclusion and expressed that the law related to transitional justice will be formulated and the peace process to be concluded soon, PM Prachanda's secretariat shared. (RSS

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