KU students share knowledge with Dhading locals


By TRN Online, Kathmandu, Nov 5: Twenty-five students pursuing MPhil and PhD programs in Development Studies at Kathmandu University School of Education (KUSOED) have shared knowledge with locals in Dhading during an education field trip.

The trip was led by Professor Dr Prakash Chandra Bhattarai and undertaken as a part of the academic requirements of the ‘Development Theories’ discipline. 

According to the University, the visit was essential to observe and analyze local development initiatives in the area. The students blended their academic knowledge with the local context, using development theories to understand the challenges and opportunities in the district.

They also shared recommendations with local government and community-based organizations to support the development of new programs and policies. They emphasized the need for further developments to have a research-based foundation. 

The trip was organized by the University in collaboration with Action Nepal. It paid its special consideration/attention to working with deprived and marginalized people of the country adopting the methods of optimum utilization of local resources and technology through its five thematic areas of intervention: Livelihood, Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Good Governance, Shelter, Construction and DRR.

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