Preventing Dehydration


Summer is a fun season for many reasons. The days are longer, the weather is clearer and there are more options for outdoor activities. But, if we are not careful, it can also be a season that wreaks havoc on our health. The dust that the dry summer air blows up causes allergies and respiratory problems, the unforgiving sun gives nasty sunburns and irritates the skin and the extreme heat dehydrates bodies and robs energy.  

Dehydration is of particular note here because, despite being a buzzword in summer, few can really recognise it.

We all know what dehydration is but few of us understand it. We often fail to see when we are dehydrated and thus, fail to take corrective action i.e., drink water. How many times have we been out in the sun without a bottle of water? How many times have we ‘forgotten’ to drink water on hot days? Do we look at how much water we have lost through sweat and care to replenish it through proper drinks? The answers we get to these questions may show that we need to consider changing our hydration habits in the summer.

However, hydration goes beyond just drinking water. Yes, water is the main component and we should drink as much water as we think is needed for our body. The ‘eight glasses per day’ rule is quite popular but it is not a universal standard. Some of us may need to drink more than that while some of us can do with less.  It is best to let our thirst, daily activities and the environment we are exposed to guide our water intake.

For example, if we do manual labour or any activity that makes us sweat a lot then we will need to drink more than eight glasses of water. And there is no such thing as a ‘standard’ for drinking water. We should drink before, during and after our activity or every time we feel thirsty. 

Also, we need to drink more water when we are pregnant or breastfeeding. If we are sick and have a fever or are losing fluids through vomit or diarrhoea then only water might not be enough. We may need to drink oral rehydration solutions (ORS). In these cases, we should consult a doctor and follow his/her advice on hydration. 

In addition to increasing our water intake, we should also decrease the consumption of caffeine or alcohol as they cause dehydration. We should also wear cotton, loose and light-coloured clothes as much as possible. 

Cotton absorbs sweat and allows better air circulation, both of which help the body cool down. Loose clothes also allow air in and light-coloured clothes reflect heat from the sun. These three qualities prevent our bodies from overheating and are, thus, desirable in the clothes we wear in summer.

Furthermore, to prevent dehydration, and also the sunburns and allergies mentioned above, avoid going out in the noon and early afternoon when the day is at its hottest. As far as feasible, we should schedule our ‘outdoor work’ for the mornings and evenings. If that is not possible, we should choose to be under shade such as trees or overhangs. We should carry an umbrella and wear hats and sunglasses. The need to use sunscreen goes without saying.

Similarly, we should also eat fruits and vegetables that are rich in water content. Watermelons, for instance, are great sources of water as well as vitamins A, B6 and C. They also have potassium. The vitamins boost immunity while the potassium prevents muscle cramps. Watermelons are the ‘having your cake and eating it too’ fruit because they are extremely healthy while also being overwhelmingly tasty. 

Papayas are great too. They are rich in nutrients and are really beneficial for our gastrointestinal health. 

They aid in curing indigestion and maintaining heart health. They are also great for weight loss. Papayas also have vitamins A and C. 

Mangoes are the quintessential summer fruit. They are super tasty and are packed full of nutrients that help in digestion and boost immunity. They are called the king of fruits for a reason.

Grapes are great summer fruits too. They are high in antioxidants and potassium. They help keep the heart healthy and also prevent eye degeneration. They are also easily available and are affordable.

Summers are great but we must take care to remain healthy. We must drink enough water and incorporate the right fruits and vegetables into our diet. 

We must prevent dehydration so that we can enjoy ourselves to our heart’s content.

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