• Sunday, 23 February 2025

Climate Adaptation Fund


The impacts of climate change in Nepal are most acutely experienced by local communities, requiring that climate adaptation happen at the local level. The country's diverse geography and varied vulnerabilities mean that localised approach is essential to effectively address the impact of climate change based on their specific needs. The countries being disproportionately affected by climate change happen to be poor and low-income countries with also limited resources, necessitating that they be helped out by developed and rich countries who are largely responsible for this crisis.  

To discuss exactly this issue and help such countries get the funds they desperately need, an international workshop on 'Institutionalising Locally Led Adaptation (LLA) in South Asia' was held recently in Kathmandu. Speaking at the event, experts highlighted that locally led adaptation plans for climate change are facing slow progress and poor implementation in the absence of required financial resources across South Asia including Nepal. They argued that the local communities lack the enablers of leadership and action. Compounding the problem, according to them, was a lack of enabling policies, governance structures, adequate and flexible finance, human, institutional and technical capacities and downward accountability. 

Climate finance is indispensable for vulnerable countries to respond to the catastrophic impacts of climate change, build resilience, protect critical infrastructures and develop sustainable livelihoods, as well as to prevent conflicts and instability. Given its high vulnerability, Nepal rightly deserves the funds pledged at recent COP meetings. However, bureaucratic procedures and complex eligibility criteria are making it difficult to secure funding. A lack of knowledge and skills necessary to effectively identify and access climate finance opportunities on the part of local governments is said to be hampering our effort to access the fund. 

What resonated with us was the fact underscored by one expert who said that most of the adaptation plans are prepared by experts and consultants and they seldom translate into actions because local bodies lack the expertise needed to execute such plans. The experts also called on the local bodies to create ownership of the local communities in adaptation plans and incorporate private and non-profit sectors in the process. This calls for local bodies to be responsible for their actions, decisions, and results, as well as being proactive and accountable for their work. 

In the face of a crisis getting increasingly devastating and out of hand, sitting idly by can never be an option. The government needs to leap into action and start developing comprehensive national climate plans, building strong institutional capacity to manage climate finance, actively engaging with international climate funds, advocating for our specific needs, strengthening data collection on climate impacts, and fostering partnerships with NGOs and the private sector to effectively convince the donors. Unless we can effectively demonstrate our vulnerability and how we are in urgent need of climate funds, the fund will continue to remain out of our reach.

The lack of sufficient funds prevents local governments from undertaking essential adaptation projects like flood control measures, drought-resistant agriculture practices, and early warning systems, among many others, delaying timely responses to extreme weather events. Insufficient funds also hamstring their ability to train staff and build the technical capacity needed to effectively design and manage climate adaptation initiatives. Without adequate funding, vulnerable countries are left to bear the brunt of climate change. Developed nations need to fulfil their pledges to provide climate finance.

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