Creative Holidays


Dixya Poudel

The festive season has arrived for Nepalis. Most students will have over a month of holiday while officers will have a rather short one. Either way, Nepalis across the globe will be celebrating a series of festivities that are soon to follow. Holidays often ring of optimism. No more classes! No more grueling 9 to 5 office hours! Instead, hours of free time to spend how one chooses. 

However, young children, students and adults alike will likely spend their time online on their smartphones. It is a common trend for people to scroll their social media feed on their free time and Nepalis are no exception. But this trend could lead to unsolicited addiction to smartphones. Instead of learning about festivals and their cultural significance, young children might be spending their time online which could be detrimental to them on the long term. 

It might help if parents educated their children on the importance of festivals, rituals and traditions that are passed through generations. Likewise, during vacations, they could plan an educational trip peppered with short entertainment activities like watching movies and series or even reading. Reading can be educational as well as entertaining. How hours just flow by when immersed in a good book, whether fiction or non-fiction! Parents can guide their children in developing a reading habit which could then last a lifetime. Apart from reading or watching movies and series, one can also listen to music, try out a new hobby, tune to the latest events from around the world and so on. 

Holidays don’t just have to be about spacing out through endless entertaining activities, they can also be an opportunity to immerse in learning new subjects. These days, one can be informed about world events through a few taps on the smartphones. Using free time to learn something new like a foreign language can be educational and there are a number of free or low-cost language learning apps available online. 

Another way to spend time in a creative manner is to do arts and crafts. Unlike the common misconception that arts and crafts are only for kids, adults too can play around with colours and even learn crafts with their children. Such activities can be an opportunity for parents to connect to their young ones at a deeper level. 

Holidays can also be a way to spend quality time with family and friends with whom one can try out new musical venues and cafes which are mushrooming across Nepal. Or one could take a day or more to go hiking and connect with the nature. Hiking doesn’t have to be rigorous; these days there are one day hiking expeditions on the outskirt of cities which can be a way to both exercise and let out one’s steam. Nature can be healing which is why people love to go hiking during their vacations. Not only do they get recharged, they also get a way to stay fit and healthy.

In conclusion, holidays don’t just have to be about scrolling endlessly and flicking through social media in smartphones. They can be spent with family and friends in fun-filled activities. And with a few creative ideas, one can let one’s hair down and relax while also learning something new.

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