Work of transmission line of Middle Bhotekoshi Hydel Project to proceed


 By A Staff Reporter,Kathmandu, Sept,1: An agreement has been reached to proceed the construction of transmission line of 103 MW Middle Bhotekoshi Hydropower Project under construction in Sindhupalchowk.

The hydropower project is being constructed under the leadership of Chilime Hydropower Company, a subsidiary of Nepali Electricity Authority.

Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Deepak Khadka, State Minister for Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Purna Bahadur Tamang, Federal Member of Parliament of Sindhupalchowk, Constituency-2 Mohan Bahadur Basnet, Joint Secretary of the Ministry of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Sandeep Kumar Dev, Managing Director of the NEA Kul Man Ghising, Mayor of Barhabise Municipality Balkrishna Basnet and Ward Chairmen, Assistant Chief District Officer, representatives of Chamber of Commerce and Industry and project held discussions and made an agreement to advance the work of transmission lines promptly.

The local residents have been obstructing the construction of two kilometres out of the four kilometres of transmission lines connecting the Barhabise substation of NEA at Barhabise Municipality-3 from the switchyard of power house of the project situated at Barhabise Municipality-5 for 14 months.

A total of 13 towers were constructed for 220 kV single circuit transmission lines. However, due to the obstruction of the local residents of Palanti located in Barhabise Municipality-3 and 4, the project was not able to extend wire in 2 km stretch. 

The right of way of the two-kilometre transmission line includes the land of 124 landowners.

In the discussion held on Wednesday, it was agreed that the project would provide financial support to Barhabise Municipal Hospital through the municipality under Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). 

Barhabise Municipality-3 and 4 wards are also included under the affected areas of the project, and it has been agreed to provide assistance for development and construction works like other affected areas, and to provide appropriate compensation for the land and structures that are the right of way for the transmission line, according to the NEA. 

Likewise, it has been agreed to start the remaining construction of the transmission line immediately.

Minister of Energy, Water Resources and Irrigation Khadka said that there was an important agreement to remove the ongoing obstacles in the construction of the transmission line in order to integrate the Middle Bhotekoshi Hydroelectric Project, whose construction has been completed, into the electricity system. 

Minister Khadka instructed all the parties to sincerely implement the agreement and complete the remaining work in the construction of the project within one month.

Parliamentarian Basnet said that he had taken a big risk to advance the project in the past and said that he has supported the fulfillment of the just demands raised by the locals.

Stating that the construction of the project to be adopted by the local people has been advanced, Ghising requested to complete the rest of the transmission line work and create an environment to start generating electricity from the project immediately. 

Ghising said that the construction of 220/132 kV substation for the supply of electricity of the hydropower project has been completed.

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