Once bustling Kanchhi Bazaar turns deserted


BY BIJAY KUMAR SAH,Dhalkebar, June 17: Once bustling with buyers and sellers, Kanchhi Bazaar in Dhanusha looks deserted these days. 

Located in Dhanushadham Municipality-9 and connected to the East-West Highway, Kanchhi Bazaar used to be crowded during the farmers’ market on Sundays and Thursdays. In the past, buyers from Kalyanpur in Siraha, Rajbiraj in Saptari, Janakpur and nearby Indian towns used to visit the market to purchase local produce. 

However, the market area has now turned into weed-filled ground as the farmers’ market is not held for the past few years.

According to locals, farmers’ markets used to take place in a limited area, resulting in significant crowding on market days. In recent years, as markets have started operating in villages, the original market in Kanchhi Bazaar has stopped functioning.

Falam Singh Waiba, 67-year-old local, said that Kanchhi Bazaar was one of the historic markets in the district. He said that the market was very old but no one knows when it began. He said, “Initially, the market was situated where the East-West Highway now exists, but it was relocated here after the highway was constructed.”

He informed that Dudhman Tamang, a local, had provided five bighas of land for the market. However, since the market stopped operating, Tamang’s son and grandson have now inherited the land. 

Another local, Kaji Lama, said that the operation of other markets in villages led to the slow death of Kanchhi Bazaar. He said, “Previously, markets required permission from the District Development Committee, limiting them to certain areas. Now, since no permission is needed, markets have sprung up in every neighborhood.”

According to Lama, markets have started operating in dozens of places such as Bhiman, Dharapani, Kumharatole, Haripur and Pushpalpur, all within a short distance. In the past, farmers from these villages brought their fresh vegetables and fruits to sell at Kanchi Bazaar, resulting in a large crowd. Traders would also come from afar a day in advance to purchase goods, he added. 

Kalyan Khadka from Dharapani said that locals and their representatives should take initiatives to preserve the existence of Kanchhi Bazaar which was once known for organic local produce. He said, “We never imagined the market would be in such a state, but unfortunately, Kanchhi Bazaar is about to disappear.” 

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