• Thursday, 13 February 2025

Promote Pro-worker Economy


Parmeshwar Devkota

As the sins are considered main causes of suffering after life, according to religions, the defective and ambitious economic systems are the main reasons behind the hardships of employees in the real life.  

At present, two types of economic systems are in practice globally. One is the corporate economy that is scientifically developed and technologically improved, involving employees in productive works. The employees are made so busy that they have no enough time for personal life such as love and marriage. They get salary that is just for making ends meet. It is the economy dominated by the large corporate houses specialised in particular products and services. For example, an Airlines company that focuses on competitiveness and punctuality. The employees working there have difficulty in managing time for their individual life.   

The corporate system operates in collaboration with the strategic partners to block the production of other companies and individuals. The competition among the corporate houses is so tough that one is hell-bent on sabotaging other completely. Likewise, the products of one country may be replaced by the products other country to the level that it is profitable to sell the plant rather than products. For example, Nepal was almost self-dependent on biscuit and shoe products some four decades ago. Thin Arrowroot biscuits was so tasty and popular among people of all age groups, but the imported raw materials made it bad in taste and unpopular, leading to its collapse. 

Now, foreign companies are dominating the biscuit market of Nepal. The history of shoe products is similar. The products of Bansbari Chhala Jutta Karkhana were so popular among security forces and people of all age groups but it was sold, citing the state should not run industries. Now, the foreign shoes have flooded the market.

A corporate economy focuses only on production and profit and pays little attention to the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness of the workers. Furthermore, to attain the company goals, the corporate houses also resort to syndicate and brokering. Syndicate focuses on reducing risk of an individual firm. The companies join together to save losses without paying attention to the time, money and comfort of their customers. 

Brokering, on the other hand, is another harmful concept in the corporate system which serves as an intermediary role between an investor and a securities exchange. In Nepali, it is called Phaubanjar vendor. Phaubanjars are notoriously responsible for the high price of vegetables and fruits in Kathmandu.  

So, it is necessary to abolish brokering and syndicate practices, and giving respite to the employees. For this an alternative model of economy has been developed. It is called socialist economy. The Constitution of Nepal, 2015, has envisioned this economy which is being practiced by the Scandinavian countries since long. Sweden, Denmark, Norway and Finland are well-known for social democracies. These countries have been balancing the market competition with robust social safety nets which guarantee the healthcare, education and other service systems.  So, looking at the happy index of the Scandinavian countries and the commitments made by our constitution, it can be reassured that employees will have happy days ahead.

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