Saturday, 20 April, 2024

Telling Children Truth The Direct Way

Orlova Elena


Parents participating in parenting for the first time will go through the process of error, and each child in the family can be very different. In general, children have very different levels of understanding, depending on the individual personality development and age. Children under the age of five cannot understand the complexity of life and relationships, which the older child can understand.
The older the child, the greater the need for completely honest disclosure and guidance that will help the child integrate and establish his own value system. The big question is whether parents can ever lie to their children. In general, it is not recommended to lie. However, it is not always advisable to tell everything. Parents should use their own internal guidance regarding what they think is right.
Direct approach
Speaking of divorce, what truth should parents tell their children about the decision to do so? Speak: “Daddy will travel for a while” is not a good approach. What's better? Again, does the age of the child depend on how much truth the parents say?
A direct approach is recommended here. It’s better to be honest and direct when talking about this. No matter how difficult it is, the sooner the child learns about reality, the better. It is important to take the time necessary to help the child understand what divorce means and that there will still be a family in the future (if at all possible).
The child must understand that he or she is not getting a divorce; it was the parents who made this decision in the interest of all. It is also important to speak positively about the person you are divorcing from. Remember that a child has half of each of you, and you need to love both of you. Modelling compassion, empathy, courtesy, generosity and decency in the process of divorce is invaluable for the development of children.
Parents also play a vital role in showing their children what truthfulness looks like. This is another area that parents face. Modeling the truth is very important because children learn from what they think you are doing more than what you tell them. Children should develop honest communication skills, face difficult life situations and establish appropriate values.

Correct behaviour
Suppose the child is constantly lying, and the parents want to help the child change their behaviour. This can be especially difficult if the parents were cheated, and the children know it. If the child is constantly lying, and the parents want to change their behaviour, a good approach is to resist the truth with love, and then simulate the truth and talk about reality.
News is often cruel and distorted. This is another area where parents often need help with what they need to tell their children about what they see and hear in the media. In general, parents should not protect their children from the news, but they should not go too far in the other direction, since excessive protection of children, as a rule, is not in their interests. News should not be overly idealised or demonised. It’s good for children to understand how the world works.